Future Foundations is …

A Social Care provider specialising in accommodating Young people aged between 16-18 and providing Key Working support on their journey to full independence.
We follow each young person’s pathway plan being mindful that each young person has individual needs abilities and aspirations. Young people placed with Future Foundations are provided with a safe and secure environment in which they can express themselves and their needs without fear of being judged.
Future Foundations is an inclusive social provider and believes that all young people regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation all deserve the same care, support and respect.
Future Foundations has over 12 years social care and social housing experience. Our dedicated team have backgrounds ranging from fostering, contact, family support, Social Services and semi-independence providers in social housing. They passionately believe that by giving each young person the best possible support they will achieve positive self esteem and self worth to enable them on their journey through to full independence.